PES 2020 SmokePatch 20
Update patch terbaru by Smoke Patch untuk eFootball PES 2020 versi PC. Update patch by Smoke Patch sudah termasuk full licensed berbagai macam liga eFootball PES 2020.
- includes all DP files
- ready for season 19/20
- all players have real names
- all teams have real name and logo
- all teams have real kits- all teams have correct stadium name rivals
- all leagues have correct name and logo
- removed duplicated teams
- added new teams
- added new national teams
- added new leagues
- added new classic teams
- added a lot of real faces
- added a lot of mini-faces
- added real balls
- added 100 boots and 30 gloves
- many others....
Cara Install :
1. Ekstrak dengan WinRAR
2. Jalankan installer kelokasi game PES 2020.
3. Copas EDIT00000000 ke folder save
Documents\KONAMI\eFootball PES 2020\save\
4. Selesai
Homepage : https://www.pessmokepatch.com/
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